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Supervisors help older adults “age in place”

SAN JOSE – Older adults, adults with disabilities, and low-income seniors will soon have another resource for repairing and modifying their homes in District Five thanks to County funding awarded to local non-profit Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley (RTSV). Proposed by County Supervisor Joe Simitian, RTSV will use the funding to provide repairs to qualifying homeowners in Santa Clara County Supervisorial District Five.

Through its network of volunteers, corporate sponsors, and sub-contractors, RTSV has been providing critical repairs and accessibility modifications for local homeowners, at no cost to residents. Older adults and individuals living with disabilities form the majority of RTSV’s clients; however, families with children and veterans also receive services.

RTSV’s clients often find themselves living in unsafe and/or unhealthy environments, and sometimes uninhabitable conditions. With limited funds, individuals often have to choose between food, medicine, or overdue home repairs. RTSV estimates that 11% of their clients would be homeless without their assistance.

“The last several years have been difficult for everyone; many people were pushed to the absolute edge by the pandemic and the high cost of living,” said Simitian. “People had to put off home repairs to attend to even more pressing needs like food, medicine, or paying the mortgage. Folks, especially our most vulnerable, should not have live in substandard conditions.”

To be eligible for services, homeowners must have a household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income, as defined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. Potential clients must also demonstrate a need for home repairs; own and live in the home as their primary residence; reside in RTSV’s service area; and be in good standing with their mortgage, property taxes, and Park Manager (if the applicant lives in a mobile home). 

“With a relatively low investment, we can restore a home to a safe and healthy environment for years to come. Thank you for making this investment in our neighbors and our communities,” said Deanne Everton, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley.

RTSV tailors the repairs to the specific need of each household and the condition of the home. As an example, repairs may include: water heater repair/replacements; furnace repair/replacements; roofing, electrical and plumbing; doors and windows; smoke and carbon monoxide detector installations; debris removal; interior or exterior painting; and, appliance repair or replacement.

Accessibility modifications and repairs may include wheelchair lifts and ramps; grab bar installation; railings; modifications to allow walkers and bath chairs; and, walk-in showers.

RTSV’s helps to preserve affordable housing by keeping folks in their homes. It costs 26 times more to build affordable housing than it does to repair or rehabilitate an existing home. Repairs can improve the quality of life of the client, the value of their homes, and allow people to stay in their communities.

“Having to leave the home that you’ve spent years, or even decades in, is the type of life change that can have a very real and very negative effect on older adults, and for folks living with disabilities. Common sense, cost-effective approaches like this are the type of practical solutions we should be on the lookout for and support whenever possible.”

To learn more about RTSV, visit: