SB 107 (2006) 20% Renewable Energy Portfolio by 2010
Requires retail sellers of electricity to procure at least 20% of their retail sales from renewable power by the year 2010.
SB 2X (2011) 33% Renewable Energy Portfolio by 2020
Requires retail sellers of electricity, including municipal utilities, to procure at least 33% of their retail sales from renewable power by the year 2020.
SB 1399 (2008) Solar Energy Systems
Revises the California Solar Shade Control Act. Trees planted before the installation of a nearby solar collector are exempt from legal removal for casting excessive shadows on the collector.
SB 423 (2006), SB 176 (2009) Nonprofit Electricity Donations
Allows an electric service provider to donate electricity to a non-profit charitable organization until January 1, 2010. Senate Bill 176 extended the sunset date until January 1, 2015.