How can we help?
As a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, I often run into folks who have difficulty navigating government services and programs, and also who are curious about what goes on day-to-day in my office. Many people have never contacted their elected officials and are unsure what services we provide.
Casework and constituent services
Our office is often approached for assistance with a County department or agency. We are happy to help - we can help answer your questions, point you in the right direction for services, and work with agencies to assist you.
If I can assist you with any County Government matter, please don't hesitate to contact my office at (408) 299-5050 or (650)-965-8737 or by email at [email protected].
Certificates and commendations
If you're part of a community organization that is celebrating a milestone, or if you know of an individual who is receiving an honor, please let me know if I can provide a County certificate of recognition or a congratulatory letter. We frequently honor Eagle Scouts, Gold Awards, long serving retirees, and others. I also welcome invitations to attend community celebrations and other events.
To request a certificate or commendation, click the link below and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Select “Request Ceremonial Recognition” from the How can we help pull down menu.
Request a Certificate / Commendation
Resources for nonprofit organizations
My office can offer services and resources to nonprofits here in the 5th District. Please contact us to learn more.
County agencies
View a list of County agencies