November 2023, Newsletter
Supervisors add "reinforcements" to County Veterans Service Office
After much discussion, veterans and the County Veterans Services Office (VSO) were told that help is on the way. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted to add additional Veteran Service Representatives (VSRs) to the VSO during the Mid-Year 2023-2024 budget process. The VSO is the primary method by which the County serves its resident veterans; connecting them to the services and benefits to which they are entitled. This action, proposed by County Supervisor Joe Simitian and co-authored by County Supervisor Otto Lee, looks to help the more than 64,000 veterans living in the County.
“Serving the County’s veterans is part of the County’s mission,” said Simitian. “I’ve been frustrated that our Country hasn’t had the staffing necessary to fully assist our veterans when they return from duty; this is a logical next step in improving our service to local veterans.”
Each VSR is CalVET/Veterans Administration certified and helps local veterans apply for all possible benefits for which they qualify, and have earned. “The addition of these positions is just the beginning, and frankly, is insufficient to address the larger issues,” said Simitian. “But if we’re going to help our veterans, we have to address the increased demand for services, the burden on staff, and the resulting turnover.”