Simitian Swearing-in Event To Feature Award-Winning Documentary Film
SAN JOSE – Newly elected Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian will be featuring the screening of a new documentary titled, The Waiting Room, during his San Jose swearing-in ceremonies on Tuesday, March 19th.
Simitian assumed office on January 7, 2013, and said he hopes to use the traditional ceremonial swearing-in exercise as “an opportunity to shine a light on the healthcare challenges we face both here in the County and across the country.”
Following a brief swearing-in ceremony, Simitian will screen The Waiting Room, an award winning film about an Oakland public hospital struggling to care for its multifaceted community and how our common vulnerability to illness binds us together.
The Washington Post writes: “If I could choose one film to play in the White House screening room this year, it would be The Waiting Room.”
Admission to is free. The Oath of Office will be administered by President of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Ken Yeager. The screening is co-sponsored by The Health Trust, a Silicon Valley foundation dedicated to advancing healthy communities.
Simitian said he chose The Waiting Room because he found it “compelling in the story it tells and the issues it raises.”
Brief swearing-in ceremony followed by the screening of The Waiting Room. The event will conclude with a Q&A session with Supervisor Simitian and Producer Bill Hirsch.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Board Chambers, County Government Center
70 West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95110
11:15 a.m. – Swearing in ceremony
11:30 a.m. – Movie screening
12:50 p.m. – Q&A session and light refreshments
Please visit to view the film trailer.
The event is free, but seating is limited. To reserve a seat, visit: