Press Releases
County funding supports accessibility and safety measures at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga
Hakone Estate and Gardens in Saratoga receives Santa Clara County grant to make needed accessibility and safety improvements.
County supervisors green light rehabilitation work on Lawrence Expressway
Rehabilitation work will improve conditions on Lawrence Expressway between Quito and Homestead roads.
Supervisors help older adults “age in place”
Supervisor Simitian champions funding for local non-profit Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley to help older adults who live District Five and want to age in place. Building affordable housing costs 26 times more than rehabilitating or repairing an existing home.
County provides grant to the Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for local programs
A Santa Clara County grant to the Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation (LAMVCF) will augment LAMVCF’s Community Grants Program which supports local nonprofits and organizations addressing emerging needs in the community, including, but not limited to, housing, health care, equity needs, and food insecurity.
County allocates federal funds for West Valley older adults and families
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a plan to continue support for projects serving adults, older adults, and families with lower incomes in the West Valley. Funding for these services was approved as part of the County’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan for use of federal funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Act programs.
County grant supports the needs of the greater Palo Alto community
A Santa Clara County grant to the Palo Alto Community Fund will help augment the organization’s grantmaking program. The funding will support nonprofits that work to address the needs of the greater Palo Alto area through creative and innovative solutions.
County Supervisors Provide for low-income families essential needs
Non-profit Children’s Health Council to receive grant funding to support food pantry in Palo Alto serving Medi-Cal clients and low-income families struggling with food insecurity and facing other barriers critical to their health and well-being.
Supervisors look to expand mental health access for older adults
Following a request from Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors President Susan Ellenberg and County Supervisor Joe Simitian to improve access to mental health services for older adults, the Board unanimously supported a series of recommendations from the County’s Behavioral Health Department. The recommendations include enhancing existing safety net programs, expanding suicide prevention efforts, and improving wait times for cognitive assessments.
County bolsters support for residents experiencing homelessness
Santa Clara County provided grants to the City of Cupertino, Town of Los Gatos, and nonprofit Reach SV in the North County to help supplement services and support for residents experiencing homelessness. Recipients will use County funding to address immediate needs of unhoused residents in those areas.
County Supervisors recognize Mountain View Fire Department as it celebrates 150 years
One of the oldest officially formed fire departments west of the Mississippi River, MVFD is celebrating 150 years of service this year. The department was formed in 1874, when 50 civic-minded residents came together in a “Rogers & Rogers” department store and organized the city’s first brigade, called “Mountain View Station Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1.”